What can cause Elbow, Wrist & Foot Pain?
Elbow, wrist & foot pain is often caused by overuse. Many sports, hobbies and jobs require repetitive hand, wrist or foot movements. These types of pain may occasionally be due to arthritis, but in general, your elbow, wrist & foot joints are much prone to wear-and-tear damage through repetitive use than are many other joints. RSI (repetitive strain injury) is an injury to part of the musculoskeletal or nervous system, which is caused by repetitive, use, vibrations, compression or long periods in a fixed position.

Who suffers from Elbow, Wrist & Foot pain?
Anyone can suffer from elbow, wrist and foot pain at any point in life. However, several occupations have a greater risk of occurrence:

Treatment of Elbow, Wrist & Foot Pain
Often, wrist and elbow, wrist & foot pain will continue if proper care and treatment are not undertaken – it will not go away or dissipate on its own. Effective treatments may include using:
Contact Body Works Physiotherapy. Our trained medical practitioners will use a range of treatments and hands-on approaches to treat your elbow, wrist & foot pain.